June 2, 2024

Propaganda Watch


Palestine: “Israel won’t end [the] war for [a] deal to free all hostages.” The US falsified a report absolving Israel of blocking Gaza aid. 73% of Israelis say military response in Gaza is “just right” or “doesn’t go far enough.” The IOF beat 2 Palestinians to death. The US’s aid port fell apart less than a week after being built. Israeli intelligence tapped ICC’s communications for years to hinder its probe. Israel expects to continue its “war” until 2025.

Empire: Young Americans see their country as a “dying empire led by bad people.” X is trying to get users to verify their ID with an Israeli intelligence company.

Global South: China cured type 2 diabetes. A Haitian police officer said that, after the local bourgeoisie lost control of the gangs, it started using the police as its “new armed wing.” Thailand is applying to join BRICS.

Ukraine: The US quietly gave Ukraine permission to strike inside Russia. Only 2% of summoned Ukrainians show up to the recruitment offices.


Non-Taught History

Canadian legacy media outlets (Montreal Gazette, Ottawa Citizen, Toronto Star and Vancouver Sun) used the term “terrorist” to describe at least 4 different armed Indigenous movements (the Mau Mau in Kenya, the FLN in Algeria, uMkhonto we Sizwe in South Africa and the ZANU in Zimbabwe) struggling against the colonization of other Western countries.

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