June 27, 2024

Propaganda Watch


Palestine: The IOF admitted Hamas cannot be defeated. The IOF used a human shield on a jeep.

Empire: The US ran an anti-COVID vaccine propaganda campaign in China. Boeing admitted it has retaliated against whistleblowers. AIPAC gave $15M to its preferred Democratic primary candidate.

Global South: A coup in Bolivia failed, and its perpetrators were arrested; foreign interference is unclear so far.

Ukraine: Ukraine banned a 12th political party.

New on Informed Leftist: A debunking sheet of pro-landlord arguments.


Non-Taught History

In 2020, Elon Musk implicitly admitted to the US government’s 2019 coup of Bolivia’s then president of Bolivia, tweeting, “We will coup whoever we want! Deal with it.” The coup plotters were indeed trained by the US military’s School of the Americas and served as attachés in FBI police programs.




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